Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Growing Old

Going to Trail Ridge was quite the experience today. Upon arriving we were greeted and lead to a nice chapel in which they have. After talking to few of the residents of Trail Ridge and being told to tell Kim "Hi," from a Dorthy (I didn't quite catch her last name it was something like Kestelli), Liz and I were asked to stand to be recognized once the service began. I was hoping to be able to fade into the back ground, but that wasn't an option I didn't know that it would be a big deal for a couple of students to be amongst these of a wiser generation. After a few jokes about seeing if there was apartments for us and an offer from the lady sitting on our right to let us stay with with her we sang "Amazing Grace." It may have been a little off key, but it was the second most meaningful time i have ever heard this song sung.(The first being the time it was sung at my brothers funeral.) After a little introduction the note speaker was up. He stated that he was not born till he was 40 years old. Now at first this confused me, but as he started to speak I found that he wasn't born till he was that old because he didn't know what it meant to be alive during life. He chose a path that brought him learning but he didn't take it in. It also happen to be a path that was not so good. after listen to him speak for a while I could relate to some of the things he was saying. He spoke of a treatment place that he put together for alcoholics. Seeing as a really close person in my life struggled with this I became really interested. Then he spoke of how he has educated the public to the disease and how he has helped the families of alcoholics. the programs that he and his wife have set up have given hope not only to alcoholics but to their families as well. They started these projects off of donations and have never needed to turn anyone away. After the speaker was done we had a chance to speak to some of residents again and once more was offered a place to stay and asked to come back again. Then we had a chance to speak to the Chaplin. After a few minute of talking and getting to know each other I felt that this man was a true man of God. He spoke of how the church should be and not how it is. If I take nothing else from this experience it will be that the church isn't meant to be an institution but a place for the broken and discouraged to come and find grace.
By the way I got extreemly good news today. My sister just found out today that she is having her second baby with in the coming year. (Sept.-Oct. sometime) YAY!!! I get to be an aunt again.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Aunt Holly. Aren't these people amazing? Dorothy Caselli is a doll. As I posted on Liz' blog, I think I will be attending this service upon my return. "Church isn't meant to be an institution but a place for the broken and discouraged to come and find grace" Therefore, you can be the church. Open the doors of your hear and bear witness.
