Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Elderly

Today I was back at the Salvation Army helping hand out food to senior citizens with some nice people from the D.O.C.. These nice people also happen to be known as inmates, but they were cool and polite to us. After initially setting up the table that holds the free hand outs from BB&B, we sat down to eat breakfast. Then I handed out some different things to those who needed them. I felt quite useless most of the day, and didn't feel like I had accomplished anything to make anyone's life easier or for the better. Maybe I did I don't know. I just wish I could have done something more. I guess one thing I know I did was bring a smile to some of the inmates faces as I did an impromptu performance of "One" while singing the song. Of course after I noticed that I was being watch I promptly stopped and continued to hum different songs throughout the day. I guess a smile is more than nothing, and I'll take it, but I still wish there was more I could have helped out with.


  1. What would have you done if you could have directed the day? This is not a rhetorical questions.

  2. I don't know. When the Major, Liz, and I were talking before hand it was said that the people hand to be qualified for the food. For some of them that meant being on food stamps, but I think that sometimes we forget about the people who are working two jobs and paying a morgage payment and for medication they don't have enough money for food. Then I started looking at the stuff that they were giving away, and a lot of it seemed to be things that were useless from my point of view, but I guess they could use them. I guess I just wish I could have done more. I know these people need help, but most of them to pull away from any conversation I tried to start. I'm not sure what I would have done.

  3. Holly, I sort of know what you mean by wishing we could do more...however, I also believe that sometimes a simple (but genuine) smile can truly make someone's day brighter and help them to let their light shine :)Sometimes letting someone know they matter means the world.
